How Successful People Think: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

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imply that achievement and success are out of your hands. It’s a matter of luck or chance. Why bother
Realistic thinking can dispel that kind of wrong attitude. There’s nothing like staring reality in the face to
make a person recognize the need for change. Change alone doesn’t bring growth but you cannot have growth
without change.

4. Realistic Thinking Provides Security

Any time you have thought through the worst that can happen and you have developed contingency plans to
meet it, you become more confident and secure. It’s reassuring to know that you are unlikely to be surprised.
Disappointment is the difference between expectations and reality. Realistic thinking minimizes the difference
between the two.

5. Realistic Thinking Gives You Credibility

Realistic thinking helps people to buy in to the leader and his or her vision. Leaders continually surprised by
the unexpected soon lose credibility with their followers. On the other hand, leaders who think realistically and
plan accordingly position their organizations to win. That gives their people confidence in them.
The best leaders ask realistic questions before casting vision. They ask themselves things like...

Is it possible?
Does this dream include everyone or just a few?
Have I identified and articulated the areas that will make this dream difficult to achieve?

6. Realistic Thinking Provides a Foundation to Build On

Thomas Edison observed, “The value of a good idea is in using it.” The bottom line on realistic thinking is
that it helps you to make an idea usable by taking away the “wish” factor. Most ideas and efforts don’t
accomplish their intended results because they rely too much on what we wish rather than what is.
You can’t build a house in midair; it needs a solid foundation. Ideas and plans are the same. They need
something concrete on which to build. Realistic thinking provides that solid foundation.

7. Realistic Thinking Is a Friend to Those in Trouble

If creativity is what you would do if you were unafraid of the possibility of failure, then reality is dealing with
failure if it does happen. Realistic thinking gives you something concrete to fall back on during times of trouble,
which can be very reassuring. Certainty in the midst of uncertainty brings stability.

8. Realistic Thinking Brings the Dream to Fruition

British novelist John Galsworthy wrote, “Idealism increases in direct proportion to one’s distance from the
problem.” If you don’t get close enough to a problem, you can’t tackle it. If you don’t take a realistic look at your
dream—and what it will take to accomplish it—you will never achieve it. Realistic thinking helps to pave the way
for bringing any dream to fruition.


Because I’m naturally optimistic rather than realistic, I’ve had to take concrete steps to improve my thinking
in this area. Here are five things I do to improve my realistic thinking:

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