How Successful People Think: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

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To become a better strategic thinker able to formulate and implement plans that will achieve the desired
objective, take the following guidelines to heart:

1. Break Down the Issue

The first step in strategic thinking is to break down an issue into smaller, more manageable parts so that
you can focus on them more effectively. How you do it is not as important as just doing it. You might break an
issue down by function. That’s what automotive innovator Henry Ford did when he created the assembly line,
and that’s why he said, “Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.”
How you break down an issue is up to you, whether it’s by function, timetable, responsibility, purpose, or
some other method. The point is that you need to break it down. Only one person in a million can juggle the
whole thing in his head and think strategically to create solid, viable plans.

2. Ask Why Before How

When most people begin using strategic thinking to solve a problem or plan a way to meet an objective,
they often make the mistake of jumping the gun and trying immediately to figure out how to accomplish it.
Instead of asking how, they should first ask why. If you jump right into problem solving mode, how are you going
to know all the issues?
Eugene G. Grace says, “Thousands of engineers can design bridges, calculate strains and stresses, and
draw up specifications for machines, but the great engineer is the man who can tell whether the bridge or the
machine should be built at all, where it should be built, and when.” Asking why helps you to think about all the
reasons for decisions. It helps you to open your mind to possibilities and opportunities. The size of an
opportunity often determines the level of resources and effort that you must invest. Big opportunities allow for
big decisions. If you jump to how too quickly, you might miss that.

3. Identify the Real Issues and Objectives

William Feather, author of The Business of Life, said, “Before it can be solved, a problem must be clearly
defined.” Too many people rush to solutions, and as a result they end up solving the wrong problem. To avoid
that, ask probing questions to expose the real issues. Challenge all of your assumptions. Collect information
even after you think you’ve identified the issue. (You may still have to act with incomplete data, but you don’t
want to jump to a conclusion before you gather enough information to begin identifying the real issue.) Begin by
asking, What else could be the real issue? You should also remove any personal agenda. More than almost
anything else, that can cloud your judgment. Discovering your real situation and objectives is a major part of the
battle. Once the real issues are identified, the solutions are often simple.

4. Review Your Resources

I already mentioned how impor-tant it is to be aware of your re-sources, but it bears repeating. A strategy
that doesn’t take into account resources is doomed to failure. Take an inventory. How much time do you have?
How much money? What kinds of materials, supplies, or inventory do you have? What are your other assets?
What liabilities or obligations will come into play? Which people on the team can make an impact? You know
your own organization and profession. Figure out what resources you have at your disposal.

5. Develop Your Plan

How you approach the planning process depends greatly on your profession and the size of the challenge
that you’re planning to tackle, so it’s difficult to recommend many specifics. However, no matter how you go
about planning, take this advice: start with the obvious. When you tackle an issue or plan that way, it brings unity

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