
(Nora) #1

Using colour is about being
able to really see colour and not
just what you think it is, what
you’ve learned it is or what you
at first perceive it to be. Colour
is a constant creative deceiver,
a sort of humorous and
scientific magician which,
even if we’re not aware of it,
constantly plays with our
perceptions. What appears to
be yellow may, on closer
inspection, actually be brown.
Light affects colour as does the
position of certain colours next
to one another. Collecting
colour is a simple way of
getting into a daily practice of
noticing what’s around you.
Exercises in perceiving colour
O Cut out two small squares
(2.5x2.5cm) of exactly the same
coloured paper and play around
with them placing them on
different backgrounds noticing
how this affects the hue.
O Choose one colour to focus on
for a day or even a week.
O Capture a colour when it
jumps out at you either with a
phone camera or by drawing
what you see.
O Physically collect items around
the house in one colour and
arrange everything in a way that
feels right to you.
O Try to notice all the hues you
see of one colour in one object
then photograph, draw or
describe what you’ve created. »

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