
(Nora) #1


First footing: a New Year tradition that has all eyes on the
threshold – and the milkman’s hair colour...

It’s a tradition that’s dying out, yet all over the UK –
especially in Scotland and Northern England – people
watch their front doors, awaiting the first person to
cross the threshold on New Year’s Day morning and
hoping the ‘first footer’ will be male and dark haired to
bring luck for the year ahead. The superstition’s thought
to date back to the Viking times, when someone fair at
your door would very much be bad news. However,
neither the phrase ‘first footing’, nor the custom, can
be traced earlier than the turn of the 19th century.
Nevertheless, the idea was then embraced with gusto.
Customs vary from area to area. First footers are often
expected to bring gifts, such as coal (symbolising a warm
hearth), something green (symbolising life) or whisky
(with obvious benefits). And surely a little bit of
hospitality is always a good way to start a year?

New year resolution: to live up to the
meaning of my name. I don’t mean Billy, silly. I
mean Shitzu, or “little lion”. HEAR ME ROAR!
The hair though – sorry mane – pretty leonine
right? Or very pretty at least. I’m not sure
how this is going and your lap does look
awfully comfortable... Right, I’m changing my
resolution: how about a life that’s more
‘little lying’ from now on?
Tweet us a pic of your #dogsinblankets or
#catsonmats @simplethingsmag



to British author Pierce Egan in the 1820s,
and is named for his own book
(the cartoon came later).
ERVING NOTES: Separate an egg. Beat
1 tsp sugar into egg yolk, add half a shot
(12.5ml) rum, stirring constantly. Whisk
egg white until frothy; fold into rum.
Transfer to a mug and add hot milk; stir to
combine. Add a dash of brandy and a
grating of nutmeg to serve.

Be the cat who’sgot the milk (and
brandy) with this winter warmer


The secret thoughts of readers’ pets:
Billy, Shitzu, aged 4

Smeared bathroom

mirror? Apply

traditional shaving

foam and wipe

away with a paper

towel or rag cloth.

Bonus: it’ll also stop

it fogging up for a

few weeks.


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