
(Nora) #1

Elder makes a great shrub for a
garden, although it does grow pretty
large. You can keep it down to size
by pruning out the oldest branches
and shoots, right down to the base,
every winter. Take out about a third
of the bush each time. This will also
help to keep the bush abundant in
blooms, as older branches do not
produce as many flowers.

Hawthorn provides a lovely garden
hedge; it’s hugely wildlife friendly
and has enough thorns to see off
intruders, too. It’s easy to keep down
to size with regular clipping, which
should be done outside of nesting
time, when it is bound to attract
birds with its dense growth and
abundance of insect life.


Lia Leendertz writes about gardens, food
and the British year, and is the author of
The Almanac: A Seasonal Guide to 2019
(Mitchell Beazley).
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