
(Nora) #1


Why ‘Marry in May and Rue the Day’? Our ancestors had
many reasons to wed another month

As the Roman poet Ovid wrote: “It is bad luck to marry
in May”. May marked the Roman festival of Lemuria,
when spirits were said to haunt weddings. So surely
you’d go for June, named after Juno, Goddess of marriage.
Christians, meanwhile, dedicated the month to the
Virgin Ma(r)y, so it wasn’t the month you should kiss – or
do anything else to – your bride. At one time, the church
banned marriages in a set period beginning soon after
Easter, therefore often ruling out May dates.
Another theory is that not marrying in May was
rising above animal instincts. The Greeks said that May
was “a month for donkeys to get married”. Some
superstitions were more specific about how you would
“rue the day”: that your first born would be an idiot, or
it would make for a wife who wasn’t thrifty. To this we
simply say: “Marry in May, and enjoy your day” (and
all the years that follow).

Can’t chat, I’m afraid; I’m finishing off some
preparations. I’m hoping to take part in the
first unmanned mission to... well, I haven’t
decided yet. I’m taking Bertie next door
though – just so I get to say “the beagle has
landed”, really. And the countdown has
begun... 3, 2, 1, we’re off! One small step for
dog, one giant leap for dogged enthusiasm.
Tweet us a pic of your #dogsinblankets or
#catsonmats @simplethingsmag



(theirMayDay),is a punchofwineand
champagne, with sweet woodruff, which
is f lowering about now. Prep in advance, or
do as a busy German might and buy
waldmeister syrup instead.
SERVING NOTES: let your woodruff
wilt to release its fragrance. Submerge
leaves (not stems!) into a jug of dry white
wine. Take out after a couple of hours and
top up with more wine and champagne.
Add lemon juice, strawberries and mint.

Thejoys oftheGermanspring

  • in ff le form


The secret thoughts of readers’ pets:
Skye, 21 months, cocker spaniel

Wa nt to ch a rg e

your phone


Switching it to

airplane mode

helps it charge

that little bit



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