Revealing Technology Around Us

(Tejendra00) #1

The second type is DLP- Digital Light Processing projectors, this type of projector consists of
DMD chips. DMD stands for Digital micromirror devicesand it consists of millions of tiny mirrors
stringed together on a single chip, each of the mirrormeasures 1/5th of the human hair. This
mirror works simultaneously to produce a mosaic effectwith one colour on each mirror. There is
a rapidly spinning wheel which shines all the threecolours alternatively these colours then
passes through those tiny mirrors. Image is measuredin pixels and each mirror is counted as
one pixel. There are almost 2 million pixels in 1920X 1080, that is there are almost 2 million
mirrors. If the light passed from a single mirroris viewed closely then it would not make any
sense but when views from far away the light projectedfrom millions of mirrors makes a
complete image.

The Third type of projector is LCos, It is the newestprojector in the market. It is very complex
and expensive. It stands for Liquid Crystal on Silicon.It is a hybrid of a DMD and 3- chip LCD
projector. The colour reproduction is far more goodand superior and the other two. It can also
stabilize to prevent motion blur problems.

We saw how the image is produced and projected throughthe lens now let’s see how far the
light needs to be projected to increase its size andto produce a focused image on the screen.
Usually, the screen on which image is projected isplain white. But there is also a smart screen
which detects the motion of hands and pens. One cancontrol the display of the projector
through a smart screen.

How far the light needs to go to produce a certainsize of image is known as “THROW” distance.
There are different types of throws, Short throw,
Ultra short throw and Normal throws. As the
names suggest they are differentiated on the basis
of the distance between the projector lens and

This is how the projector works and it has become
a tool that we use daily in offices, institutions,
homes and many other places.
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