Revealing Technology Around Us

(Tejendra00) #1


  1. In this human error is quite common as the displayis not digital and is very
    detail-oriented which makes it difficult to read.

  2. They are disturbed by noise interference. Meaningnoise/ vibrations in the surrounding
    can change mercury level

  3. Similarly, they are also disturbed by motion interference.

  4. Difficult to measure the pressure of infants and kids

  5. Mercury used is hazardous to the environment

  6. It is Aneroid meaning it losses accuracy over time.
    2. Digital BP monitor


  1. They are very easy to use and can be used by anyonewithout any difficulty

  2. Easy to read because of digital LED

  3. Portable and easy to use at home regularly

  4. Can be used on infants and children

  5. It can be used to take repeated measurements easily

  6. There are different types which can be used on thewrist or upper arm as per one’s


  1. Measures mean arterial pressure then calculates systolicand diastolic

  2. Different manufacturers use slightly different techniqueswhich can cause errors

  3. They are not as accurate as manual ones

Today as the world is connecting more and more. Datacollection has become very important.
So some of the advanced BP monitors have Wifi or Bluetoothconnectivity to mobile phones
through which data can be collected, saved and analysedeasily.

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