Crochet World - USA (2018-12)

(Antfer) #1

This easy-to-make project
will be done just in time for
the holidays! Crocheted with
worsted-weight yarn, each red
section features a crocheted
snowflake to complete
the festive look.


Make 5.

Rnd 1: With size H hook and
white, ch 5, join (see Pattern
Notes) in 5th ch from hook to
form a ring. Work 12 sc in ring,
join in beg sc.

Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in same st as
joining, *ch 7, sc in 5th ch from
hook, ch 2, sc in next sc*, sc in
next sc, rep from
around, end-
ing last rep at **, join in beg sc,
fasten off leaving a 24-inch tail
for sewing.


Referring to Assembly Dia-
gram and with RS held tog,
whipstitch (see illustration)
Sections tog, alternating red
and green and leaving 1 seam
unsewn. Beg at center sc of 3-sc
corner, sew through matching
sts up to and including first sc
of 2-sc side corner.

Referring to photo, sew 1
Snowflake on each red Section.

Outside Edging

Row 1: With RS facing, sc join
white in 2nd st of side corner
on free edge of green Section
(see Assembly Diagram), *[sk
next sc, 2 sc in next sc] 10 times,
sk next sc, (sc, [ch 1, sc] twice)
in next sc**, [sk next sc, 2 sc
in next sc] 11 times, sk seam,
2 sc in next st (2nd st of side
corner on next Section), rep from

  • 9 times, ending last rep at **,
    [sk next sc, 2 sc in next sc] 10
    times, sk next sc, sc in next sc,
    fasten off. (468 sc, 20 ch-1 sps)

Whipstitch Edges

Center Edging
Row 1 (RS): With RS facing,
sc join white in corner st of
first Section (see Assembly
Diagram), sc in each st across,
working 5 sc across each Sec-
tion, turn. (50 sc)
Row 2: Ch 3 (counts as hdc,
ch 1), sk first 2 sts, *hdc in next
st**, ch 1, sk next st, hdc dec

(see Stitch Guide) in next 2 sts,
ch 1, sk next st, rep from * across,
ending last rep at **, sk next st,
dc in last st (counts as last ch 1
and hdc), turn. (9 hdc dec, 12 hdc,
20 ch-1 sps)
Row 3: Ch 1, sk first st, sc in sp
before next st, [2 sc in next sp,
sk next st] 18 times, sc in last sp,
fasten off. (38 sc) CW
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