
(avery) #1

have opened a dialogue
that would have helped
him? As the author
says, “Look at every
bully and his or her
victim and you’ll often
find two kids who need
help, not just one.”
Munster, Indiana

Word Power
The pronunciation of
the word bruschetta
was incorrect: The
letters sch should be
pronounced sk as
in scheme and not
sh as in she.
—John Kellett
Los Osos, California

From the editors:
Our go-to reference,
Collegiate Dictionary,
says that both
pronunciations are
correct but sh is

How to Make It
as a Fossil
Harry R. Truman, the
man who ran Spirit
Lake Lodge at the foot
of Mount St. Helens,
refused to leave when
the volcano erupted on

May 18, 1980. It is pre-
sumed he is now under
200 feet of landslide
debris, along with his
16 cats: modern fossils
in the making.
—kirke Campbell
Corvallis, Oregon

Heaven Can’t Wait
You will be waiting a
long time if you start
looking for the next
total lunar eclipse on
January 20, 2019, as Joe
Rao urged. In fact, it
will happen the day
after, on January 21.
—Bill Schoenborn
Agawam, Massachusetts

According to meteo-
rologist Joe Rao, who
wrote the story, the
eclipse starts on Janu-
ary 20 and finishes on
January 21. On the
20th, the moon will
begin moving into
Earth’s dark shadow,
called the umbra, at
10:33 p.m. (EST). The
total phase will begin
at 11:41 p.m. and
last for 62 minutes.
The moon will move
out of the umbra in the
early morning of the
21st, at 1:50 a.m.

No doubt there’s a
pearl of wisdom that
has stayed with you for
your entire life, but what
about the other kind?
The worst advice you
ever got can be memo-
rable, too—and maybe,
in retrospect, amusing!
Tell us about it at

Scout’s Honor
I work for the Boy
Scouts in Tennessee
and enjoyed the article
about the man who
went to Camp Minsi to
see whether he had
what it takes to be a
Scout. But I have a ques-
tion about the boy who
consumed 35 slushies
in seven days: Only 35?
—Joe priester
Franklin, Tennessee

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any bad
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