
(avery) #1
Ending Up in the Right Place
It is simple. Life is a test to
determine where you will
spend eternity.
—Ron Jostes ballwin, missouri

Using Your Talent
Ask yourself, “What do I most like to
do?” It’s what you’ll do best. I found my
meaning when a cow moose ran through
our yard. My husband snapped a picture,
and I submitted it to the local newspaper
with a caption. “Can you do more?” the
publisher responded. For more than
30 years, I’ve written columns, feature

stories, news items, and two books.
At age 95 (not a misprint), I’m still writing
and using the gifts God gave me. Try
using yours. You’ll learn the true mean-
ing of life. So will the lives you touch.
—Betty Starks Case riverton, wyoming

Finding Joy in the Present
I have spent many years trying to
figure this out. I went through life never
thinking of the future or where my life
might lead me. Now I finally know what
is important and the meaning of life.
Remember your blessings every day.
Be nice. Take care of each other. Too bad
it took 62 years to figure this out.
—Kristi Schmidt
shingle springs, california

formulating your own answer. Tak-
ing a few moments to record your re-
sponse to the question “What is the
meaning of life?” is the kind of simple
exercise that effectively adds meaning
to your life.
And then I suggest answering it
every year. Looking back at how
your thinking has evolved and been
influenced by experience tells you
something more about yourself.
Cumulatively, it gets you closer to a
deeper self-understanding.
In 1997, my answer was “The dis-
covery, pursuit, and attainment of
one’s bliss,” inspired by myth

expert Joseph Campbell. A year later,
it was to make “the world a better
place.” In 2002, the year I got engaged,
it was simply “Love.” And the year we
conceived our oldest daughter, it was
the less-romantic “Continuation of
one’s DNA to the next generation.” But
most years, my answer is some com-
bination of love, legacy, happiness,
experience, and helping others.
If you do the annual “meaning”
exercise, I suggest not looking at past
answers before answering anew. I
write them down on the same now-
yellowing piece of paper and keep it
someplace safe.

Readers Share What Brings Meaning to Their Lives (continued)

Reader’s Digest How to Maintain Your Purpose in Life

30 dec 2018 )jan 2019 | rd.com

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