
(avery) #1

Being a Caring Partner
My wife and I were having the usual
tense discussions about the fair division
of labor at home. Then one day at church,
the sermon was about the hidden value
of service to others. I challenged myself
to serve my wife every day for a month
and see what happened. For a month, I
never walked by something that could
be done; I just picked it up, put it away,
emptied the dishwasher, took out the
trash. No thinking about whose turn it
was or who made the mess. At the end of
the month, I found that our life was hap-
pier, more contented, more intimate. I
kept it up and won more than the lottery.
We have been married 30 years and look
forward to many more.

—Daniel Townsend hayward, california

The last use of this experiment is
to try to turn your answer into ac-
tion. If you conclude, as Tolstoy
and Einstein did, that the meaning
of life is helping others, that should
help motivate you to do more of it.
If “love” is the answer, then love
more. If it’s “find your bliss,” then get
searching for it.
This is not a theoretical exercise.
Whatever small step you take toward
finding the meaning of life is a step
toward a more meaningful, and lon-
ger, life.

cnn.com (july 20, 2018), copyright © 2018
by cable news network.


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