
(avery) #1
haven’t met the $99
free-shipping mini-
mum for other prod-
ucts, add a cheap
cosmetics item (some-
thing you actually want
that costs less than the
$10.95 shipping fee)
and you’ll get free
shipping on your entire
order. Another trick:
joining a retailer’s free
loyalty program. This
works at Blooming-
dale’s, Nike, and other


The Hidden
Clearance Stash
At Walmart,
ask to see clearance
electronics. “Most re-
duced items are not
displayed and rarely
have price tags. At the
change of major sea-
sons, many older model
items will be switched
out for newer ones,”
an employee posted
on reddit.com.


No, it’s not just
a yard sale tactic.
If you ask (nicely) in a
store for a discount, you
just might get it. It can
work online, too, via
live chat. According to
Consumer Reports
surveys, shoppers who
haggle succeed more of-
ten than they strike out.


If you’ve left a
really juicy cou-
pon at home, you might
still be able to use it the
next time you’re in the
store. This works at Bed
Bath & Beyond (within
14 days) and might also
work at other stores if
you ask (again, nicely,
of course!). But clipping
coupons isn’t for every-
one. Instead, see if you
can pull them up on
your phone. (Also a
good idea if you forget
your stash of paper

coupons at home.) Just
search for the name of
the retailer plus “cou-
pon,” or check Coupon
Sherpa or RetailMeNot
(apps or websites). Or
ask the cashier whether
there’s a store coupon
you can use.


Joining the Club
programs such
as Beyond+ at Bed
Bath & Beyond, RH at
Restoration Hardware,
and Sephora Flash
follow the example of
Amazon Prime: You
pay an annual fee and
get exclusive perks
such as free shipping
or a percentage off
your purchases. (At
Barnes & Noble, you
even get a discount at
the in-store Starbucks.)
If you’re a frequent
shopper, these pro-
grams can quickly pay
for themselves.

What Are the Chances?
In Belgium’s St. Symphorien Military Cemetery, the grave belonging
to the first British soldier killed in World War I directly faces the grave of the last
British soldier killed in World War I. The placement was completely accidental.
the mirror

Reader’s Digest 13 Things

42 dec 2018 )jan 2019 | rd.com

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