
(avery) #1
“This is your great-grandma and great-
grandpa,” I told my grandson as I handed him
a photo of my parents. “Do you think I look
like them?” He shook his head. “Not yet.”
—Veronica Dale Macomb, Michigan

also body fat, bone
mass, and water per-
centage. I nixed that
one in favor of a low-
tech model. As I told
the salesperson, “I
don’t need to be de-
pressed four ways; one
is quite enough.”
—Susie Battaglia
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

You know you’re getting
old when you get that
one candle on the
cake. It’s like, “See if
you can blow this out.”
—Jerry Seinfeld,

Tracia and Patrick
Kraemer met at a
nudist park and fell in
love. “It was our third
date before we saw
each other dressed.
And that was a good
thing,” Tracia said,
addressing Patrick,
“ ’cause had I seen you

Got a funny story
about friends or fam-
ily? It could be worth
$$$. For details, go to

dressed on the first
date, I probably
wouldn’t have dated
you again. You wore
those two different
brown plaids together;
that was terrible.”

Spotted in the legal
notices section of the
Maryland-based Daily
Times: Michael Ray
Dipirro petitioned the
circuit court to change
his name to Michael
Ray Forbes. His reason
for doing so? “Ex-wife
wants to keep my
surname. She can have
that too!”
—Barbara Benton
Salisbury, Maryland


Happy New Year! Time
for the new diet—and
the new excuses:
✦Just burned 2,
calories. That’s the last
time I leave brownies in
the oven while I nap.
— @pingstarellis
✦I’m not interested in
any diet plan unless it lets
me use rollover calories.
— @sbellelauren
✦The only difference
in my life when I’m on a
diet is instead of saying
“I ate nachos,” I say, “I
accidentally ate nachos.”
— @behindyourback
✦Personal trainer: No
pain, no gain.
Me: Deal!
— @abbycohenwl
✦How much mint do I
have to muddle into this
mojito for it to count as a
serving of vegetables?
— @MichaelTrying

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