
(avery) #1
Got a funny joke?
It could be worth $$$.
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I did some research, and it turns out
I’m super Irish. Even my blood type
is O apostrophe.
—Brian Kiley, comedian

To the guy who stole
my antidepressants:
I hope you’re happy
—Submitted by
Dan Cusato
Tustin, California

The village blacksmith
finally found an ap-
prentice willing to
work long, hard hours.
The blacksmith in-
structed the boy,
“When I take the shoe
out of the fire, I’ll lay it
on the anvil, and when
I nod my head, you hit
it with this hammer.”
The apprentice did
just as he was told.
Now he’s the village

Fred Astaire and Gin-
ger Rogers were dining
in New York. Ginger
was resplendent in a
ball gown and pearls,
and Fred also sported

evening wear. But the
meal was marred when
the waiter bringing
their desserts tripped
and covered Fred from
head to toe in treacle
“I’m terribly sorry,”
said the waiter.
“So you should be,”
replied Fred. “Thanks
to you, I’ve pudding on
my top hat, pudding
on my white tie,
pudding on my tails.”
—Submitted by
George Kloss
Oklahoma City,

I went to the doctor
and he said, “You’ve
got hypochondria.” I
said, “Not that as well!”
—Tim Vine, comedian


What’s the funniest
town in Colorado? It
might be Indian Hills,
home to these hill-areas
road signs.

Reader’s Digest

rd.com 47

courtesy vince rozmiarek

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