
(avery) #1
Quiet, Please!
I’m Trying to Nap
I am a leader of a national
college ministry and was
discussing the book of
Genesis with some stu-
dents one day. We were
talking about the story
of human beings created
to live in a garden set-
ting. Lending credence
to this idea, I said that
there is no sound more
soothing than a burbling
stream or brook. Then
I asked the students,
“What is the most peace-
ful environment you can
imagine—for example,
where you could most
easily fall asleep?” There
was a short silence, and
then a young lady spoke
up helpfully: “Class?”
—Rob Gunn
hyde park, utah

You’re the Cream in My Coffee
It’s 4 a.m., and we hurry into the truck stop
for our morning coffees, his black and mine
with cream. As we head down the road
drinking and chatting, he hands me his still-
hot coffee so I can pour a little into mine.
He knows my coffee cools quicker because
of the cream. Such a tiny thing—one of
the many little threads that make up the
fabric of our life—but such a sweet thought-
fulness that makes all the difference in a
relationship. I have the world’s best husband.
—T.S. via rd.com

Like a Duck Takes
to Water
My husband and I were
excited when we pur-
chased a lakefront home
because we had a yellow
Labrador puppy and we
knew Labs loved the water.
Much to our surprise, our
pup was petrified of the
lake and whimpered every
time we tried to coax her
in to swim with us. That is,
until the day a family of
ducks swam by. Our Lab
joined the ducklings and
began to paddle with
them. The mother duck
was not pleased at the
new addition, but we were
—Joyce Cooper
vassalboro, maine

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illustration by Joana Avillez rd.com 55




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