
(avery) #1
Anything funny happen to you at work? It could
be worth $$$. For details, go to rd.com/submit.

Nursing can be a
dirty business, as I
discovered while
helping my grumpy
patient change his
colostomy bag. You
can imagine the smell.
Still, I soldiered on,
telling myself to think
about the patient’s
feelings and not let
my queasiness show.
That all changed
when he turned to

me, scrunched his
nose, and said, “God,
you’ve got bad breath!”
—an anonymous nurse, on
I work in the front
office of a housing
complex that supports
people living with
mental illness. On
one particularly
hectic day, a tenant
came in to pay her
rent. Frazzled, I said,

As the dentist labored
over my teeth, he tried
to make small talk.
“What do you do?”
he asked.
“I’m a comedian,” I
“Interesting.” After
a pause, he said, “Let’s
get an impression—”
“It’s more observa-
tional humor, actually,”
I interrupted. “I don’t
do impressions.”
The dentist contin-
ued, “—of your teeth.”
—Michael Buzzelli
Carnegie, Pennsylvania

80 february 2019 Cartoon by Jon Carter

“You’re right. We should have built the castle first, THEN the moat.”

in a Day’s


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