
(avery) #1
We Found a Fix
I am the “Communion
lady” at my church, and
part of that responsibil-
ity includes washing
and ironing the Com-
munion cloth. Hanging
it on a hanger, even one
padded with a towel,
left a crease in it. I tried
your tip of using Bubble
Wrap to pad the hanger
bar. Holy Communion,
it worked! No more
creases. Bless you.
—Mary Burns Gresham
Mobile, Alabama

50 Health Facts Your
Doctor Wants You to Know

Thanks for a great list of facts and myths.
Regarding number 34, about rinsing after
brushing your teeth, I’ve found a good
way to extend fluoride’s benefits: Floss after
brushing, before rinsing. It’s a little messy,
but it gets the fluoride into the tight spaces
between teeth.
—Robert DeMarco Louisville, Kentucky

am not the only one who
has felt this way and I
will get through it. Thank
you for sharing this kind
of story.
—Melanie marville
Louisville, Kentucky

Dumb and Dumber
on the Job
I especially enjoyed the
excuses for missing
work! When Julius Cae-
sar has qualms on the
Ides of March about
going to the senate
(where he will be assas-
sinated), his wife sug-
gests, “We’ll send Mark
Antony to the senate
house, and he’ll say
that you’re sick today.”
They were making that
excuse way back then.
—Keith Walters
Monroe, New York

Before They
Were Stars
There is another real
James Bond, an orni-
thologist who wrote
the definitive book
Birds of the West Indies.
Ian Fleming was a bird-
watcher living in Ja-
maica. In a letter, he
offered Bond unlimited
use of the name Ian

Notes on the
March issue

A Five-Year-Old
Teaches a Lesson
in Grace
I saw so much of myself
in this author, as I am
dealing with the effects
of dementia overtaking
my mother. I can relate
to how hard it is to
handle the continuous
phone calls and the guilt
and fear because I have
yelled at her and am so
scared of getting older
myself. This article
brought me to tears and
helped me realize that I

8 may 2019








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