would like to see it so he could clean.
“I’d be embarrassed to have you
just drop by,” Dan said. “It can be a
real mess.”
“Worse than this?” she blurted.
—Mary Potter Kenyon
Dubuque, Iowa
Wait—She Really Is a Good Girl!
My preteen daughter and I were out
shopping. I called her over to where I
Messy Runs in the Family
Sometimes my mother would sur-
prise us by visiting our house on Sun-
days after Mass. I was a busy mom
with my own business and six chil-
dren still at home. Housework was
not at the top of my to-do list. One
Sunday, my adult son, Dan, was also
visiting. When Mom remarked that
she hadn’t yet seen his apartment,
he told her to let him know when she
My, How You’ve Changed!
One day, my mother ran into a woman who said they had gone to high school
together. Mom insisted she didn’t remember her. So the woman came to our
house with her yearbook. She pointed out her photo and then my mother’s.
“Well, of course I didn’t recognize you!” Mom said. “You were pretty back then!”
—Debbie Haakenson anchor point, alaska
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