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A settlement has been reached with Defendants Comcast Corporation, Comcast Holdings Corporation,
Comcast Cable Communications, LLC, and Comcast Cable Communications Holdings, Inc. (collectively
“Comcast”) about alleged antitrust violations and unfair trade practices related to the rental of “Set-Top
Boxes” to Comcast’s Premium Cable subscribers. The Settlement provides benefits to former and current
Comcast customers who file a valid Claim Form.
The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania will hold a hearing to decide
whether to give final approval to the Settlement, so that the benefits can be issued. Those included
subscribers have legal rights and options, such as submitting a claim for benefits or excluding themselves
from or objecting to the Settlement. More information is in the Detailed Notice, which is available at

The lawsuit claims that Comcast engaged in various anti-competitive activities and unfair trade practices
related to the rental of Set-Top Boxes to Comcast’s Premium Cable subscribers. The claims asserted in
the lawsuit can be found in the Fourth Amended Consolidated Class Action Complaint, available at
http://www.SetTopBoxSettlement.com. Comcast denies all of the claims and allegations in the lawsuit and says it
did nothing wrong.

The Court decided that the Class includes all persons who: (a) resided within the states of California,
Washington, or West Virginia during the Class Period or have opted out of Comcast’s arbitration clause as
recorded within the arbitration clause opt-out list kept at Comcast’s offices; and (b) paid Comcast a rental fee
for a Set-Top Box at any time during the Class Period.
The Class Period is from January 1, 2005 to September 5, 2018.
If you are unsure whether you opted out of Comcast’s arbitration clause, then you may call 1-888-748-8055
or email [email protected] to determine whether you are recorded as an arbitration clause
opt-out within the arbitration clause opt-out list kept at Comcast’s offices.

Subscribers who are Settlement Class Members and submit a valid Claim Form can receive between
$10.00 and $15.00 payable by check. In lieu of that cash payment, Current Subscribers who are Settlement
Class Members and submit a Claim Form have the option of receiving credits redeemable for a variety of
Comcast services. Benefit options may vary depending on the period of time you rented a Set-Top Box
and how many Set-Top Boxes you rented. If more than $15.5 million worth of claims are submitted by
eligible claimants, the benefits will be distributed on a pro rata basis. If less than $15.5 million worth of
claims are submitted by eligible claimants, Comcast is entitled to retain the balance. Details on all of the
Settlement benefits are included in the Detailed Notice and the Settlement Agreement, which are available at

To get a payment you must submit a Claim Form. You can quickly and easily submit your claim online
at http://www.SetTopBoxSettlement.com. You can also request a paper Claim Form be sent to you by calling
1-888-748-8055. The claim deadline is August 31, 2019.

If you do not want to be legally bound by the Settlement, you must exclude yourself by July 9, 2019. If you
stay in the Settlement, you may object to it by July 9, 2019. The Detailed Notice explains how to exclude
yourself or object. The Court will hold a hearing in the case on September 10, 2019, to consider whether to
approve the Settlement, and a request by Settlement Class Counsel for attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses
of up to $1.1 million and incentive awards, which will not exceed $1,000, to the four named Plaintiffs for
their services on behalf of the Settlement Class. Members of the Settlement Class will not be responsible for
the fees and expenses of Class Counsel, and the payment of attorneys’ fees and expenses will not reduce the
benefits to the Settlement Class. You or your own lawyer, if you have one, may ask to appear and speak at the
hearing at your own cost, but you do not have to. For more information, call or go to the website shown below.

If you subscribed to Premium Cable and paid a rental fee for a Set-Top
Box, you could receive benefits from a Class Action Settlement.

http://www.SetTopBoxSettlement.com • 1-888-748-8055

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