
(avery) #1

to help you decide whether you need
one or are at risk for a fracture in the
next ten years.

Men Also Need to Get
Tested (Some Younger
People Do Too)

Osteoporosis isn’t just a woman’s
disease. Don, now 74, a retiree in the
Clearwater, Florida, area (he asked us
not to use his last name), was diag-
nosed with osteoporosis at age 44 de-
spite an active lifestyle that included
daily walks and 40 miles of weekly
bicycling. “I had strained my back,
and X-rays of my spine showed that
it was deteriorating,” he says. “It runs
in my family, though
I think I’m the only
man who inherited
Scientists don’t
know why, but men
have a higher risk for
death after a hip frac-
ture caused by osteo-
porosis than women
do. So it’s especially
important for men
to get scanned and
treated if necessary.
Don’s DXA scan re-
sults improved after
a year of bisphos-
phonate treatment.
“I had stomach prob-
lems with daily pills,
but a weekly pill was

OK,” he says. “Now I focus on healthy
eating, take vitamins D and K and cal-
cium, and walk every day. My bone
density is staying stable.”
Don’s story also demonstrates that
younger people are at increasing risk.
While osteoporosis is most common
in women over 60 and men over 70,
a 2018 University of Nevada study
found that the average density of the
thighbones of Americans as young as
30 was significantly lower in 2014 than
in 2005.
Too much sitting and too little ac-
tivity are likely the top reasons for the
decline, the researchers concluded.
But there are other surprising risk fac-
tors: weight-loss surgery, diabetes,
breast cancer, and
air pollution are all
associated with bone
problems, as are
therapy (used to treat
prostate cancer) and
corticosteroids (used
to treat rheumatoid

Alone Aren’t

A study found that
about three in ten
women believe that
simply drinking milk
or taking calcium

rd.com 95


The number of private
doctors with DXA
scanners dropped by

after Medicare
reduced its
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