Casaundra flipped through a few
pages of notes on a clipboard. “There
was a divorce. He was not being cared
for the way that he needed. He spent
a lot of time in a backyard by himself
after his primary caregiver went off to
college. And the family just felt like
maybe there was a better home for
him somewhere else.”
Raider sniffed my shoes. He looked
up, and I scratched him behind the
ears. He seemed to like that. When I
stopped for a moment, he lay down
on the floor near my feet.
“Aw, look at that. He likes you al-
ready,” Casaundra said. “I have a good
feeling about this. Just be patient. You
have to understand that his whole life
has been uprooted. It’s going to take
him some time to adjust.”
“The poor guy,” I said. It hit me
how tough this dog’s life had been. I
looked down at Raider, and suddenly
the sadness in his eyes didn’t look like
a reflection on me. It looked more like
both O’Grey and Peety were slimmer,
healthier, and happier.
114 june 2019
Reader’s Digest