
(avery) #1
I saw a documentary
on how ships are kept
together. Riveting!
—Stewart Francis,

I told you I’ll be there
in five minutes. Stop
calling me every half

If you can sit quietly
after difficult news; if
in financial downturns
you remain perfectly
calm; if you can see
your neighbors travel
to fantastic places
without a twinge of
jealousy; if you can eat
happily whatever is put
on your plate; if you
can fall asleep after a

An Uber is cruising
down a boulevard
when it runs a red light.
“Hey!” the passenger
shouts. “Be careful!”
“Don’t worry,” says
the driver. “My brother
does it all the time.”
He barrels through
the next red light, and
the passenger screams,
“Stop doing that!”
“I’m telling you, my
brother does this all
the time.”
They approach the
next light. Just when it
turns green, the driver
slams on the brakes.
The confused passen-
ger asks, “You just ran
two red lights; why’d
you stop at a green?”
“I had to,” says the
driver. “My brother
might have been
—Submitted by
David Masella
Kissimmee, Florida

“I’m old-school. Instead of ranting on social media,
I just scream in people’s faces.”

Reader’s Digest

50 june 2019 Cartoon by Chris Wildt

The best Medicine
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