
(avery) #1

an inability to digest it well can lead to
a sulfurous odor caused by the food’s
sulfur-containing amino acids. One
small study found that women rated
men’s body odors as more attractive,
more pleasant, and less intense after
they had eaten no meat for two weeks
compared with when they’d eaten red
meat, according to the University of
California, Berkeley.

  1. You have an almost entirely
    new skeleton every ten years. Old
    bone cells are constantly being re-
    placed by new ones, a process called
    remodeling. This helps repair dam-
    age to the skeleton and prevents the
    accumulation of too much old bone,
    which can become brittle and break
    more easily.

  2. You blink constantly. The aver-
    age person blinks 15 to 20 times ev-
    ery minute. Each time you blink, your
    eyelids spread a cocktail of oils and
    mucous secretions across the surface
    of your globes to keep them from dry-
    ing out. Blinking also keeps eyes safe
    from potentially damaging stimuli,
    such as bright lights, and foreign bod-
    ies, such as dust.

  3. You shiver when you’re cold.
    “Your body is always trying to keep its
    temperature as close to 98.6 as pos-
    sible,” says Dr. Rantala. “You shiver
    when you are cold in an effort to cre-
    ate heat” by contracting and expand-
    ing your muscles in quick bursts.

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