
(avery) #1

  1. You might be missing an arm
    muscle. About 86 percent of us have a
    palmaris longus muscle running from
    the elbow to the palm. To test whether
    you have it, touch your pinkie to your
    thumb and tighten your wrist muscles;
    a tendon connected to the muscle
    will pop out in the center of your
    wrist, below your palm. In humans,
    it helps wrist flexibility, but there’s no
    consequence if you’re born without
    one. Scientists aren’t sure why some
    people have the muscle and others
    don’t, but they think that it probably
    helped our primate ancestors grip and
    swing through trees.
    42. Your heart can pump one million
    barrels of blood in a lifetime. Mean-
    while, your kidneys filter your entire
    supply of blood more than 30 times
    every day. The average adult has 4.8 to
    6 quarts of blood, and the kidneys fil-
    ter about half a cup per minute.
    43. Your skeleton contains a lot of
    water. The human body is mostly
    water (55 and 60 percent for women
    and men, respectively). But that fluid
    isn’t just in your skin, muscles, and
    organs—it’s in your skeleton too. In
    fact, water makes up nearly a third of
    your bone mass.

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