excitement of the moment get the
better of his emotions, and he giddily
announced to the guests, “I can’t
wait till the baby is born so I can find
out if I’m an uncle or an aunt!”
—Trina Bamberg Erhard, Minnesota
The Sportsman
On a fishing trip, my father told my
five-year-old brother that it was time
he learned to bait his own hook and
then left him alone to figure it out.
When he returned, my dad found my
brother holding a fishing hook in one
Born Without a Filter
My brother recently ran into a
woman he’d gone to school with
many years earlier. After they caught
up, she showed him a picture of
her daughter. “Wow,” he said. “She
doesn’t look anything like you.
She’s pretty.”
—Cindy Earls Ada, Oklahoma
My sister Margaret had been in
the church confessional only a few
minutes when she ran out as red as a
beet. “What happened?” I asked.
“I passed gas,” she sheepishly
admitted. “And the priest said, ‘And
for your next sin?’”
—Elizabeth MacFarland
Pasadena, California
The Rebel
My father dragged my brother to the
barber to get his beautiful long hair
shorn. Arriving at the barbershop,
Scott asked to use the bathroom.
He went in, and Dad and the barber
waited. And they waited. And they
waited. Finally, Dad stormed into
the bathroom, only to discover
the window open and my brother
nowhere to be seen. I never did find
out how he got home.
—Sharon Kemp
Houghton Lake Heights, Michigan
The Proud Something-or-Other
At a baby shower for my first child,
my 13-year-old brother let the
“Siblings: children
of the same parents,
—Sam Levenson, comedian
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