
(avery) #1
One in six deaths
worldwide is from can-
cer, yet research shows
that at least 42 percent
of cancers could be
prevented. Along with
healthy eating and not
smoking, add these
habits to your list of
ways to lower your risk.


Wear a hat. A wide-
brimmed hat gives
your face an added
layer of protection on
top of your sunscreen.
It also covers the back
of your neck and your
scalp, where many
people forget to apply
lotion. A University
of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill study found
that people with mela-
nomas on the scalp or
neck die at almost twice
the rate of people with
skin cancer on other
parts of their bodies.


Consider taking
baby aspirin.
Research shows
it may protect you from
as many as ten different
cancers, including liver,
lung, and prostate can-
cer. In a recent study,
women who took a

By Michelle Crouch

You Can Prevent

Many Cancers

32 april 2019 illustration by Serge Bloch


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