
(avery) #1
to determine who is
responsible for this
mess. We just want
someone to take
the blame.”
—Robert Rapp
Spokane, Washington

Scene: An office
employee #1: I want
to start reading more
employee #2: Didn’t
you just read

A fellow commuter
walked onto the train
while talking on the
phone to his mother.
From what I could
glean, he was trying to
end the conversation,
but she wasn’t having
it. I say that because the
man finally declared in
a loud, exasperated
voice, “No, I don’t want
to talk to the dog!”
—Jennifer Pauly
New York

The printer was broken,
and no one could
figure out whose fault
it was. After arguing
back and forth, our
supervisor took charge.
“Look,” he said,
“we really don’t need

“Wait, not yet! I still have 37 sick days left!”

Reader’s Digest

48 april 2019 cartoon by Harley Schwadron

in a Day’s


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