
(avery) #1
Breakfast would take a terrible hit, egg
dishes aside: No true waffles, pancakes,
or French toast. There are plenty of in-
gredients you could remove from the
human diet without fundamentally
altering culinary tradition. But remove
me, and you’ve blasted a smoldering
crater right in the middle of the kitchen.
I’m more than just the perfect culi-
nary companion. I’m also as close to
a perfect source of nutrition as you’ll
find in nature. My yolk is replete with
antioxidant plant pigments called
xanthophylls (the very same ones that
make the leaves yellow in autumn)
and a payload of nutrients: protein, fo-
late, B12, choline, and selenium. And
then there’s my cholesterol. For years,
the thinking was that humans should
avoid it. No longer: Experts now say a
yolk’s dietary cholesterol doesn’t nec-
essarily translate to high cholesterol
levels in blood.
My superlative nutritional content
is no accident. Unlike meat or plants,
which were living their lives until you
decided to make them food, I was de-
signed to be food. Not for you: I am
sustenance, as well as the respirator
and security system, for a chick, every-
thing it needs to go from a single fertil-
ized cell to a chirping fuzzball.
Start with my shell. Despite ap-
pearances, it is porous, filtering out
carbon dioxide and letting in oxygen
for the baby chick. For this reason, I’m
likely to absorb strong smells. That’s
why chefs will maximize their pricey
truffles by placing them in a container


basic: Using a blender or a food proces-
sor, blend 1 large pasteurized egg with
1 medium clove garlic, 1 tablespoon
fresh lemon juice, and a large pinch ko-
sher salt until smooth. With the machine
running, drizzle in 1 cup vegetable oil in
a thin stream until a thick sauce forms.
herb: Add 2 to 4 tablespoons chopped
fresh chives, parsley, dill, or tarragon to
the Basic recipe before blending in oil.
mustard: Make the Basic recipe, adding
1 tablespoon of mustard before blend-
ing in the oil.
extra-garlic: Make the Basic with 2 or
3 cloves of garlic rather than 1.
horseradish: After blending the Basic,
add preserved horseradish 1 tablespoon
at a time until desired taste is reached.
chili-lime: Replace the lemon juice in the
Basic recipe with 1 tablespoon lime juice
and add 1 tablespoon sriracha chili sauce;
add more chili and lime, if desired.

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