
(avery) #1

When the officer
stopped in front of
me during inspection,
I sharply opened the
chamber of my rifle
and thrust it into his
hands. He glanced
into the chamber and
looked surprised.
Inside was a smashed
cockroach. I figured
this meant trouble,
and it did. Nodding
to the late bug, the
officer announced,
“Legs improperly
aligned—six demerits.”
—Dennis Depcik
Buffalo Grove, Illinois

My medical unit kept
me busy filing reports,
many of which clearly
didn’t apply to us.
Here’s one example:
“Personnel Trained
for B-52 Weapons
System.” When the
inspector general
learned of this, he

Got a funny military
story? It could be
worth $$$. For details,
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ordered us to submit
a monthly “Report
of Unnecessary
Among the first
reports to make that
list: the “Report of
Unnecessary Reports.”
—Sgt. Richard Weiser
Erie, Pennsylvania

It was 1943—the
height of World War II.
Reader’s Digest ran
these examples of
military slang “to
help us understand

Johnny’s new lingo
for when he comes
marching home.”
Armored cow:
Canned milk
China clipper:
Roll up your flaps:
Stop talking
Side arms:
Cream and sugar

Reader’s Digest

Cartoon by Jon Carter rd.com 75

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