Scientific American - February 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1
76 Scientific American, February 2019

50, 100 & 150 YEARS AGO
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VOL. CXX, NO. 5; FEBRUARY 1, 1919



Wa r s
“At the end of his Descent of Man
and Selection in Relation to Sex
(1871), Charles Darwin wrote: ‘The
main conclusion arrived at in this
work, namely that man is descend-
ed from some lowly organized
form, will, I regret to think, be
highly distasteful to many.’ Half
a  century later his prediction was
fully realized in the U.S., where
many Americans waged what is
sometimes called the ‘monkey war.’
Fundamentalists-Christians of var-
ious denominations who believed
that evolution contradicted the
Bible sought to check the spread
of  evolutionary thought by making
it a crime to teach it. Not until No-
vember 12 of last year [1968], when
the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that
a law barring the teaching of  evo-
lution in public schools and colleg-
es was unconstitutional, could it
be said that the monkey war had
come to an end. The best-known
battle in this ideological conflict
was fought in 1925, when John
Thomas Scopes was tried in  Day-
ton, Tenn., for teaching evolution.
—L.  Sprague de Camp”
De Camp is now best known as

Wankel Rotary Engine
“The reciprocating-piston internal-
combustion engine has been so
successful that one is seldom
aware that a small army of inven-
tors is determined to see it re-
placed by some kind of ‘rotary’
engine. In the piston engine the
conversion of linear reciprocating
motion to rotary motion, by
means of the connecting rod–
crankshaft arrangement, is inher-
ently wasteful of the energy sup-
plied by the combustion process.
There are 30 to 40 such rotary
engines, all ‘ideal’ to a greater or
lesser extent (such as the one con-
ceived by Felix Wankel in 1956).
There still appear to be problems,
however, of providing adequate

sealing and lubrication; such
problems are characteristic of
virtually all the rotary engines.”


What is there in molasses that
would make it explode, particular-
ly in winter time when the sticky
syrup is proverbially slow? Two
weeks ago a large tank of molasses
exploded in Boston, killing a doz-
en persons and injuring 50 more,
and no completely satisfactory
explanation of the disaster is ob-
tainable. The tank was a huge cy-
lindrical structure with a capacity
of two million gallons. Without
an instant’s warning the top was
blown into the air and the sides
were burst apart. Wreckage was
scattered in all directions while
a deluge of molasses spread over
the ruins and into the street, suf-
focating many of the injured.”

Barbed-Wire Disease
“We welcome a little pamphlet by
Dr. A. L. Vischer, of Basle, devoted
to the study of prisoners of war,
and especially what was called the
‘barbed-wire disease.’ Four to five
million men have been kept in
confinement in enemy countries,
and many of them will return with
impaired mentality to their homes.
Dr. Vischer draws a picture of a
mentality characteristic of prison-
ers of war, to which the majority
fall victim within two or three
months and from which few es-
cape completely. The factors in its
causation he considers to be loss
of liberty for an unknown period
in close company with many oth-
ers. The result is a continual long-
ing with entire inability to per-
form. The factor of loneliness in
the midst of company he illus-
trates from writings emanating
from various camps.”


A Dangerous
“The Medical Record gives an ac-
count of a successful operation for
the transfusion of blood recently
performed by Dr. Enrico Albanese
at the hospital of Palermo, Sicily.
A youth aged seventeen, Giuseppe
Ginazzo, of Cinisi, was received
with an extensive ulceration of
the leg, which in the end rendered
amputation necessary. In this
emergency Dr. Albanese had re-
course to the transfusion of blood
as the only remedy that had not
yet been tried. Two assistants of
the hospital offered to have their
veins opened for the purpose, and
thus at two different intervals,
220 grams of blood were intro-
duced into the patient’s system.
After the first time he recovered
the faculty of speech, and stated
that before he could neither see
nor hear, but felt as if he were fly-
ing in the air. He is now in a fair
state of recovery.”

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