Scientific American - February 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1
February 2019, 13


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Ghosts of

Wildlife Past

 ivestock and  ildlie in Kenya
can thrive together

 en a nati na  ar  serve as oases in an
increasingly human-cro ded  orld, but they
are not a conservation panacea. As in much
o  ast Arica, a striking t o thirds o the
country’s  ildlie resides outside o national
parks—and these animals are not  elcome
visitors or many lando ners,  ho see them
as competition or livestock. But in a rare
 in- in situation or humans and nature,
researchers have no sho n that livestock
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presence. A study published last October in
Nature Sustainability ound that  ildlie can
boost bottom lines by providing opportuni-
ties or tourism, and livestock improve the
 uality o grass or all grazing species.
 ecent history explains this symbiosis.
Animals and savanna grasses evolved
together or millennia—but Kenya’s  ild-
lie population dropped by about   per-
cent bet een     and     , according to
a     PLOS ONE study. With e er ani-
mals around to encourage ne gro th by
removing old and dead grass stems, it
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ecological role.
“ hink o livestock as the ghosts o
 ildlie past, says Felicia Keesing, a com-
munity ecologist at Bard College and lead
author o the ne study. “Without the

assist rom livestock,  ildlie could keep
going into a do n ard spiral.
Keesing and her colleagues ocused on
 aikipia, a heavily ranched region home to
  percent o Kenya’s  ildlie but no
national parks.  he researchers looked into
common lando ner concerns about dis-
ease transmission and competition by sur-
veying ticks, grass  uality and animal num-
bers at  3 properties covering   percent
o  aikipia.  ome properties had only live-
stock or  ildlie others  ere integrated.
 o the team members’ surprise, they ound
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bers o cattle and  ildlie. At mixed prop-
erties, livestock treated or ticks reduced
the overall number o those pathogen-car-
rying parasites by  5 percent—and grass
 uality  as higher than in livestock- or
 ildlie-only areas,  hich tended to be
overgrazed or undergrazed, respectively.
“ o me, one o the most amazing things
about this  ork is that  ildlie conser vation
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big spatial scales, says  acob  oheen, an
animal ecologist at the  niversity o Wyo-
ming,  ho  as not involved in the study.
Keesing notes, though, that drought,
poverty and politics can easily overpo er
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a series o violent raids by cattle herders
rom other parts o drought-stricken
Kenya. “People and  ildlie in this region
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 ork, Keesing says. “But the ecological,
economic and social potential o this kind
o management can be stressed by cir-
cumstances largely beyond their control.
— Rachel Nuwer

Cattle and zebras graze at a pri-
vate wildlife conservancy in Kenya.

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