Scientific American - February 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1
4 Scientific American, February 2019

[email protected]

As a professor emeritus of genetics who
spent many long hours writing grant pro-
posals, I agree with “Rethink Funding,” by
John P.  A. Ioannidis [State of the World’s
Science 2018]. The system is biased in fa-
vor of “politically savvy managers.”
Yet Ioannidis does not address the over-
head funds that line the coffers of univer-
sities. With state funding constantly dwin-
dling, they rely on overhead more than
ever. This is why academia favors big
grant getters over innovative research. Re-
ducing bloated academic administrations
would be one modest way to solve the co-
nundrum, but who is going to do  that?
Washington State University

There is a danger that new ideas will be
held back if attention is directed too nar-
rowly on the precision of scientific meth-
ods. Such ideas often arise from the use of
imprecise approaches. For example, single
case studies in medicine, surveys showing
correlations in my own field of consumer
behavior, and odd observations in astrono-
my can all lead to major advances because
they pick up serendipitous findings that
are hard to anticipate. The new ideas that
are generated are usually tested by experi-
ments, but such tests often provide limited
stimulus for new thinking.
ROBERT EAST Emeritus professor,
Kingston University London

IOANNIDIS REPLIES: Lurquin points out
the problem of large overheads, which
have grown. Eliminating them is not easy,
because one needs to find other sources
for sustaining the infrastructure of re-
search institutions. Unnecessary bureau-
cracy could be trimmed, of course.
East advocates the support of imprecise
exploratory methods when they fuel new,
exciting ideas. Such research is justifiable
and necessary when we have no other bet-
ter tools for initial discovery. But it needs
to be recognized explicitly as being explor-
atory and thus often likely to be wrong
and in need of careful subsequent valida-
tion with better methods.

As an academic researcher, I was not too
surprised to learn that a large fraction of
results in even the best journals cannot
be reproduced in “Make Research Repro-
ducible,” by Shannon Palus [State of the
World’s Science 2018]. As reported in both
Palus’s and Ioannidis’s articles, research-
ers have many institutional pressures and
personal motivations to publish flashy re-
sults and none to replicate those of others.
We must explicitly acknowledge, fund
and motivate reproduction. It would help
if journals had a section or associated pub-
lication accepting studies by independent
authors seeking to reproduce works previ-
ously published by those journals. Their
referees would not judge originality or in-
terest but would value methodological rig-
or, clarity and, possibly, improvement or
extension of the results.
Autonomous University of Madrid

I think Palus’s note that the original work
discussed “appeared in a topflight jour-
nal,” whereas “the replication effort can be

found in a comparatively smaller one” is
perhaps her most important observation.
What struck me was the high-handed
way that some of these journals don’t
stand by their product. That cheapens the
worth of the publication. If you publish a
paper, the reputation of the publication is
behind that study from a marketing POV.
If the paper is later refuted by, or can’t be
replicated in, another study, you have a
duty to publish the latter paper as well.
This could be encouraged by an indepen-
dent organization that simply records the
number of times a counter paper was
published in a different journal because
the original publication refused it.
NEIL ROBERTSON El Cerrito, Calif.

It was fascinating to learn in “The Unsolv-
able Problem,” by Toby  S. Cubitt, David
Pérez-García and Michael Wolf, that cer-
tain important questions in theoretical
physics are undecidable by computation.
In discussing the primary example of
such a question, the authors assert that de-
termining the existence, or not, of an ener-
gy gap between the lowest energy state of
a material and the next state up would de-
pend on the material extending to infinity.
Yet in that case, presumably the material
itself will be forever unable to decide
whether it is gapped or gapless because
any causal influence between distant re-
gions can travel only at the speed of light.
TONY DURHAM Brighton, England

THE AUTHORS REPLY: Strictly speaking,
any undecidable problem must have an
infinity somewhere. If you impose any
limit, even the lifetime of the universe,
then it is decidable, although in practice,
that is not much better than if it were not.
In the case of the spectral gap problem,
for any reasonably large, finite lattice size,
the systems we construct will either be
gapped or have an energy spectrum that
is so dense, it becomes indistinguishable
from gapless. In principle, if you limit
how large the lattice can get (say, it needs
to fit in your lab!), then the problem is de-
cidable. But the undecidability of an ide-
alized infinite lattice implies there is no
better way to figure it out than taking a
sample of material the size of your lab;
a smaller sample will tell you nothing

October 2018

“We must explicitly

acknowledge, fund

and motivate

reproduction of

study results.”

© 2019 Scientific American
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