February 2019, ScientificAmerican.com 71
By Andrea Gawrylewski
Getty Images
Nature’s Mutiny:
How the Little Ice Age of the Long
Seventeenth Century Transformed
the West and Shaped the Present
by Philipp Blom. Liveright, 2019 ($27.95)
For reasons still being ex -
plored, Earth plunged into the
Little Ice Age from the late 16th
to the early 19th century. Across
the Western world, failed har-
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son accounts, history writer Blom shows how the
climatic upheaval helped to usher in economic and
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cultural innovations while causing considerable hu -
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displaced by new farming practices, landless peas-
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en climate crisis, which is catalyzing similar shifts
and underscores that our choices dictate how glob-
al warming impacts human life. — Andrea Thompson
Good to Go: What the Athlete
in All of Us Can Learn from
the Strange Science of Recovery
by Christie Aschwanden.
W. W. Norton, 2018 ($27.95)
After a long run, journalist
Aschwanden went to relieve
her sore legs with nitrogen gas.
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ber and receiving a blast of frig-
id air, she felt a rush of adrenaline. “I was ready to
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enthusiasts have transformed into a multibillion-
dollar industr y, from sweating at infrared saunas to
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many ideas about what does help the body recov-
er—and what does not. — Emiliano Rodríguez Mega
The Discrete Charm of the Machine:
Why the World Became Digital
by Ken Steiglitz.
Princeton University Press, 2019 ($27.95)
Digital technology has such
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it is hard to remember how
recently we lived without it.
Computer scientist Steiglitz
examines the global transformation from analog
to digital and the ways it changed how we calcu-
late, communicate and entertain ourselves. He
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analog, such as waves traveling through the air
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1s, all in witty and cogent language. In addition
to celebrating the gains of the digital revolution,
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that the human brain uses both analog and digital
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remains hidden in the analog world, beyond the
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Sometime around the beginning of the 20th century, D
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diminished through ecological mismanagement, loss of its normal prey species and the degradation of its natural habitat—and the riveting stor y of the
legendary hunter, Jim Corbett, who was commissioned by the British government to exterminate the animal. It is a haunting tale and a cautionary one, too;
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No Beast
So Fierce:
The Terrifying
True Story of the
Champawat Tiger,
the Deadliest Animal
in History
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