Scientific American 201905

(Rick Simeone) #1
May 2019, 63

generative adversarial network. “You just give it a big bunch of
pictures, and you say, ‘Can you make me some more pictures like
them?’ ” says Kyle Cranmer, an N.Y.U. physicist, who has used the
technique to simulate particle collisions more quickly than solv-
ing all the quantum equations.
One of the most remarkable applications is Pix2Pix, which
does almost any kind of image processing you can dream of. For
instance, a graphics app such as Photoshop can readily reduce a
color image to gray scale or even to a line drawing. Going the oth-
er way takes a lot more work—colorizing an image or drawing re-
quires making creative choices. But Pix2Pix can do that. You give
it some sample pairs of color images and line drawings, and it
learns to relate the two. At that point, you can give it a line draw-
ing, and it will fill in an image, even for things that you didn’t
originally train it on.
Other projects replace competition with cooperation. In 2017
Nicholas Guttenberg and Olaf Witkow ski, both at the Earth-Life
Science Institute in Tokyo, set up a pair of networks and showed
them some mini paintings they had created in various artistic
styles. The networks had to ascertain the style, with the twist
that each saw a different portion of the artwork. So they had to
work together, and to do that, they had to develop a private lan-
guage—a simple one, to be sure, but expressive enough for the
task at hand. “They would find a common set of things to dis-
cuss,” Guttenberg says.
Networks that teach themselves to communicate open up new
possibilities. “The hope is to see a society of networks develop
language and teach skills to one another,” Guttenberg says. And if
a network can communicate what it does to another of its own
kind, maybe it can learn to explain itself to a human, making its
reasoning less inscrutable.

the Most fun part of an AI conference is when a researcher shows
the silly errors that neural networks make, such as mistaking
random static for an armadillo or a school bus for an ostrich.
Their knowledge is clearly very shallow. The patterns they dis-
cern may have nothing to do with the physical objects that com-
pose a scene. “They lack grounded compositional object under-
standing that even animals like rats possess,” says Irina Higgins,
an AI re searcher at DeepMind.
In 2009 Yoshua Bengio of the University of Montreal suggest-
ed that neural networks would achieve some genuine under-
standing if their internal representations could be disentangled—
that is, if each of their variables corresponded to some indepen-
dent feature of the world. For instance, the network should have a
position variable for each object. If an object moves, but every-
thing else stays the same, just that one variable should change,
even if hundreds or thousands of pixels are altered in its wake.
In 2016 Higgins and her colleagues devised a method to do
that. It works on the principle that the real set of variables—the
set that aligns with the actual structure of the world—is also the
most economical. The millions of pixels of an image are generated
by a relatively few variables combined in multitudinous ways.
“The world has redundancy—this is the sort of redundancy that
the brain can compress and exploit,” Higgins says. To reach a par-
simonious description, her technique does the computational
equivalent of squinting—deliberately constricting the network’s
capacity to represent the world, so it is forced to select only the

most important factors. She gradually loosens the constriction
and allows it to include lesser factors.
In one demonstration, Higgins and her colleagues constructed
a simple “world” for the network to dissect. It consisted of heart,
square and oval shapes on a grid. Each could be one of six dif-
ferent sizes and oriented at one of 20 different angles. The re-
searchers presented all these permutations to the network, whose
goal was to isolate the five underlying factors: shape, position
along the two axes, orientation and size. At first, they allowed the
network just a single factor. It chose position as most important,
the one variable without which none of the others would make
much sense. In succession, the network added the other factors.
To be sure, in this demonstration the researchers knew the rules
of this world because they had made it themselves. In real life, it
may not be so obvious whether disentanglement is working or not.
For now that assessment still takes a human’s subjective judgment.
Like meta-learning and generative adversarial networks, dis-
entanglement has lots of applications. For starters, it makes neu-
ral networks more understandable. You can directly see their rea-
soning, and it is very similar to human reasoning. A robot can al-
so use disentanglement to map its environment and plan its
moves rather than bumbling around by trial and error. Combined
with what researchers call intrinsic motivation—in essence, curi-
osity—disentanglement guides a robot to explore systematically.
Furthermore, disentanglement helps networks to learn new
data sets without losing what they already know. For instance,
sup pose you show the network dogs. It will develop a disen tangled
repre sentation specific to the canine species. If you switch to cats,
the new images will fall outside the range of that repre sentation—
the type of whiskers will be a giveaway—and the net work will no-
tice the change. “We can actually look at how the neu rons are re-
sponding, and if they start to act atypically, then we should prob -
ably start learning about a new data set,” Higgins says. At that
point, the network might adapt by, for example, ad ding extra neu-
rons to store the new information, so it won’t overwrite the old.
Many of the qualities that AI researchers are giving their ma-
chines are associated, in humans, with consciousness. No one is
sure what consciousness is or why we have a vivid mental life,
but it has something to do with our ability to construct models of
the world and of ourselves. AI systems need that ability, too. A
conscious machine seems far off, but could today’s technologies
be the baby steps toward one?

Generative Adversarial Nets. Ian J. Goodfellow et al. Presented at the 2014 Neural Information
Processing Systems Conference (NIPS 2014), Montreal; December 8–14, 2014.­generative­adversarial­nets
Deep Learning. Yann LeCun et al. in Nature, Vol. 521, pages 436–444; May 28, 2015.
beta-VAE: Learning Basic Visual Concepts with a Constrained Variational
Framework. Irina Higgins et al. Presented at the fifth International Conference on
Learning Representations, Toulon, France, April 24-26, 2017.
Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning for Fast Adaptation of Deep Networks. Chelsea Finn
et al. Presented at the 34th International Conference on Machine Learning, Sydney,
Australia, August 6–11, 2017.
Machines That Think for Themselves. Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa; July 2012.
Machines Who Learn. Yoshua Bengio; June 2016.
Clicks, Lies and Videotape. Brooke Borel; October 2018.

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