A Classical Approach of Newtonian Mechanics

(maris13) #1

7 CIRCULAR MOTION 7.5 Non-uniform circular motion

Comparing with Eq. (7.28), recalling that e i θ represents er and i e i θ represents
eθ, we obtain

ar = ̈r − r θ ̇^2 = ̈r − r ω^2 , (7.41)
aθ = r θ ̈^ + 2 ̇r θ ̇^ = r ω ̇ + 2 ̇r ω. (7.42)

Thus, we now have expressions for the object’s radial and tangential accelerations

in terms of r and θ. The beauty of this derivation is that the complex analysis
has automatically taken care of the fact that the unit vectors er and eθ change
direction as the object moves.

Let us now consider the commonly occurring special case in which an object
executes a circular orbit at fixed radius, but varying angular velocity. Since the

radius is fixed, it follows that ̇r = ̈r = 0. According to Eqs. (7.3 8 ) and (7.3 9 ), the
radial velocity of the object is zero, and the tangential velocity takes the form

vθ = r ω. (7.43)

Note that the above equation is exactly the same as Eq. (7.6)—the only difference

is that we have now proved that this relation holds for non-uniform, as well as
uniform, circular motion. According to Eq. (7.41), the radial acceleration is given


ar = −r ω^2. (7.44)

The minus sign indicates that this acceleration is directed towards the centre

of the circle. Of course, the above equation is equivalent to Eq. (7.15)—the only

difference is that we have now proved that this relation holds for non-uniform, as

well as uniform, circular motion. Finally, according to Eq. (7.42), the tangential

acceleration takes the form

aθ = r ω ̇. (7.45)

The existence of a non-zero tangential acceleration (in the former case) is the

one difference between non-uniform and uniform circular motion (at constant


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