A Classical Approach of Newtonian Mechanics

(maris13) #1


8 Rotational motion

8.1 Introduction

Up to now, we have only analyzed the dynamics of point masses (i.e., objects

whose spatial extent is either negligible or plays no role in their motion). Let us

now broaden our approach in order to take extended objects into account. Now,
the only type of motion which a point mass object can exhibit is translational mo-

tion: i.e., motion by which the object moves from one point in space to another.

However, an extended object can exhibit another, quite distinct, type of motion

by which it remains located (more or less) at the same spatial position, but con-

stantly changes its orientation with respect to other fixed points in space. This

new type of motion is called rotation. Let us investigate rotational motion.

8.2 Rigid body rotation

Consider a rigid body executing pure rotational motion (i.e., rotational motion

which has no translational component). It is possible to define an axis of rotation

(which, for the sake of simplicity, is assumed to pass through the body)—this axis

corresponds to the straight-line which is the locus of all points inside the body

which remain stationary as the body rotates. A general point located inside the

body executes circular motion which is centred on the rotation axis, and orien-
tated in the plane perpendicular to this axis. In the following, we tacitly assume

that the axis of rotation remains fixed.

Figure 67 shows a typical rigidly rotating body. The axis of rotation is the line

AB. A general point P lying within the body executes a circular orbit, centred

on AB, in the plane perpendicular to AB. Let the line QP be a radius of this

orbit which links the axis of rotation to the instantaneous position of P at time
t. Obviously, this implies that QP is normal to AB. Suppose that at time t + δt

point P has moved to PJ, and the radius QP has rotated through an angle δφ.

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