A Classical Approach of Newtonian Mechanics

(maris13) #1


Since force is a vector quantity, it stands to reason that torque must also be

a vector quantity. It follows that Eq. (8.57) defines the magnitude, τ, of some

torque vector, τ. But, what is the direction of this vector? By convention, if a
torque is such as to cause the object upon which it acts to twist about a certain

axis, then the direction of that torque runs along the direction of the axis in the

sense given by the right-hand grip rule. In other words, if the fingers of the right-

hand circulate around the axis of rotation in the sense in which the torque twists

the object, then the thumb of the right-hand points along the axis in the direction

of the torque. It follows that we can rewrite our rotational equation of motion,

Eq. (8.55), in vector form:


= I α = τ, (8.58)

where α = dω/dt is the vector angular acceleration. Note that the direction of α
indicates the direction of the rotation axis about which the object accelerates (in

the sense given by the right-hand grip rule), whereas the direction of τ indicates

the direction of the rotation axis about which the torque attempts to twist the

object (in the sense given by the right-hand grip rule). Of course, these two

rotation axes are identical.

Although Eq. (8.58) was derived for the special case of a torque applied to a

ring rotating about a perpendicular symmetric axis, it is, nevertheless, completely

It is important to appreciate that the directions we ascribe to angular velocities,

angular accelerations, and torques are merely conventions. There is actually no

physical motion in the direction of the angular velocity vector—in fact, all of the
motion is in the plane perpendicular to this vector. Likewise, there is no physical

acceleration in the direction of the angular acceleration vector—again, all of the

acceleration is in the plane perpendicular to this vector. Finally, no physical forces

act in the direction of the torque vector—in fact, all of the forces act in the plane

perpendicular to this vector.

Consider a rigid body which is free to pivot in any direction about some fixed

point O. Suppose that a force f is applied to the body at some point P whose

position vector relative to O is r. See Fig. 81. Let θ be the angle subtended

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