A Classical Approach of Newtonian Mechanics

(maris13) #1

9 ANGULAR MOMENTUM 9.4 Angular momentum of a multi-component system

l 1  l 2

m m

r   r


axis of rotation

v 1 v 2 l

Figure 86: A principal axis of rotation.

9.4 Angular momentum of a multi-component system

Consider a system consisting of N mutually interacting point particles. Such
a system might represent a true multi-component system, such as an asteroid

cloud, or it might represent an extended body. Let the ith particle, whose mass is

mi, be located at vector displacement ri. Suppose that this particle exerts a force

fji on the jth particle. By Newton’s third law of motion, the force fij exerted by

the jth particle on the ith is given by

fij = −fji. (9.24)

Let us assume that the internal forces acting within the system are central forces—

i.e., the force fij, acting between particles i and j, is directed along the line of
centres of these particles. See Fig. 87. In other words,

fij ∝ (ri − rj). (9.25)

Incidentally, this is not a particularly restrictive assumption, since most forces

occurring in nature are central forces. For instance, gravity is a central force,

electrostatic forces are central, and the internal stresses acting within a rigid

body are approximately central. Suppose, finally, that the ith particle is subject
to an external force Fi.

l 2

l 1
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