A Classical Approach of Newtonian Mechanics

(maris13) #1
11 OSCILLATORY MOTION 11.2 Simple harmonic motion


system is representative of the motion of a wide range of systems when they are
slightly disturbed from a stable equilibrium state.

Newton’s second law gives following equation of motion for the system:

m x ̈ = −k x. (11.2)

This differential equation is known as the simple harmonic equation, and its solu-
tion has been known for centuries. In fact, the solution is

x = a cos(ω t − φ), (11.3)

where a, ω, and φ are constants. We can demonstrate that Eq. (11.3) is in-
deed a solution of Eq. (11.2) by direct substitution. Substituting Eq. (11.3) into
Eq. (11.2), and recalling from calculus that d(cos θ)/dθ = − sin θ and d(sin θ)/dθ =

cos^ θ,^ we^ obtain^

— m ω^2 a cos(ω t − φ) = −k a cos(ω t − φ). (11.4)

It follows that Eq. (11.3) is the correct solution provided

ω =

., k

. (11.5)

Figure 95 shows a graph of x versus t obtained from Eq. (11.3). The type
of motion shown here is called simple harmonic motion. It can be seen that the
displacement x oscillates between x = −a and x = +a. Here, a is termed the
amplitude of the oscillation. Moreover, the motion is periodic in time (i.e., it
repeats exactly after a certain time period has elapsed). In fact, the period is
2 π
T =. (11.6)
This result is easily obtained from Eq. (11.3) by noting that cos θ is a periodic
function of θ with period 2 π. The frequency of the motion (i.e., the number of
oscillations completed per second) is
f = =


. (11.7)
2 π

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