A Classical Approach of Newtonian Mechanics

(maris13) #1

13 WAVE MOTION 13.5 Standing waves

13.5 Standing waves

Up to now, all of the wave solutions that we have investigated have been propa-

gating solutions. Is it possible to construct a wave solution which does not prop-

agate? Suppose we combine a sinusoidal wave of amplitude y 0 and wavenumber

k which propagates in the +x direction,

y 1 (x, t) = y 0 cos (k x − ω t), (13.33)

with a second sinusoidal wave of amplitude y 0 and wavenumber k which propa-

gates in the −x direction,

y 2 (x, t) = y 0 cos (k x + ω t). (13.34)

The net result is

y(x, t) = y 1 (x, t) + y 2 (x, t) = y 0 [cos (k x − ω t) + cos (k x + ω t)]. (13.35)

Making use of the standard trigonometric identity

cos x + cos y = 2 cos

x + y


x − y

, (13.36)
2 2

we obtain

y(x, t) = 2 y 0 cos (k x) cos (ω t). (13.37)

The pattern of motion specified by the above expression is illustrated in Fig. 113.

It can be seen that the wave pattern does not propagate along the x-axis. Note,

however, that the amplitude of the wave now varies with position. At certain

points, called nodes, the amplitude is zero. At other points, called anti-nodes,

the amplitude is maximal. The nodes are halfway between successive anti-nodes,

and both nodes and anti-nodes are evenly spaced half a wavelength apart.

The standing wave shown in Fig. 113 can be thought of as the interference

pattern generated by combining the two traveling wave solutions y 1 (x, t) and

y 2 (x, t). At the anti-nodes, the waves reinforce one another, so that the oscillation

amplitude becomes double that associated with each wave individually—this is

termed constructive interference. At the nodes, the waves completely cancel one

another out—this is termed destructive interference.

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