A Classical Approach of Newtonian Mechanics

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where x = h/ sin θ is the distance the block slides. The minus sign indicates that

f acts in the opposite direction to the displacement of the block. Hence,

W = −

6.03 × 0.43
sin 35 ◦
= −4.52 J.

Now, by energy conservation, the kinetic energy K of the block at the bottom of
the plane equals the decrease in the block’s potential energy plus the amount of

work done on the block:

K = −∆U + W = 12.65 − 4.52 = 8.13 J.

The frictional force acting on the block when it slides over the horizontal sur-

face is

fJ = μ m g = 0.25 × 3 × 9.81 = 7.36 N.

The work done on the block as it slides a distance y over this surface is

WJ = −fJ y.

By energy conservation, the block comes to rest when the action of the frictional

force has drained all of the kinetic energy from the block: i.e., when W J = −K. It

follows that
y = =


= 1.10 m.

Worked example 5.6: Driving up an incline

Question: A car of weight 3000 N possesses an engine whose maximum power

output is 160 kW. The maximum speed of this car on a level road is 35 m/s.

Assuming that the resistive force (due to a combination of friction and air re-

sistance) remains constant, what is the car’s maximum speed on an incline of 1

in 20 (i.e., if θ is the angle of the incline with respect to the horizontal, then

sin θ = 1/20)?

Answer: When the car is traveling on a level road at its maximum speed, v, then

all of the power output, P, of its engine is used to overcome the power dissipated

by the resistive force, f. Hence,

P = f v
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