with respect to accuracy. “Traditional tools, such as
access cards and mechanical locking devices, aren’t
particularly ‘user secure,’” says Murad. “Biometric tech-
nologies provide ID-secure, person-centric, affordable
solutions. They easily integrate into current solutions that
people already feel comfortable opting in to and using.”
Iris ID identifi cation, access control, and workforce
management solutions are customizable for virtually any
application and regulatory requirement. For example, Iris
ID enables multibiometric kiosks and gates that make it
possible to rapidly authenticate a traveler’s passport or
other travel documents. The company’s next-generation
technology is also used for security systems that limit
access to highly classifi ed areas, such as data centers
and R&D labs.
With the proliferation of biometrics, passwords are
undergoing a radical reinvention. Biometric Signature
ID, for example, uses gesture biometric technology to
authenticate identities by having users “draw” a four-
character password instead of typing it. This simple
change creates biometric patterns unique to each of
us, eliminating password sharing and impostor log-in.
“With 14 million uses from colleges, fi nancial services,
and enterprises, users are already regaining control of
their privacy and security by locking down their devices
and accounts with a biometric password,” says CEO Jeff
The spread of connected devices, whether they’re
cars or washing machines—more than 7 billion in all,
according to an August 2018 estimate by IoT Analytics—
is accelerating the movement toward biometrics. “Not
only is biometric technology becoming more and more
deeply integrated across our everyday lives; it’s also
becoming more ubiquitous,” notes futurist and trends
expert Scott Steinberg. “We’ve moved past the era of
ogies over the past two decades. Its tools go beyond identifying simple
characteristics, such as the sound of an individual’s voice, to learning
speaking, typing, and behavioral patterns and memorizing preferred
vocabulary. Such capabilities allow the technologies to recognize when
someone is trying to impersonate a customer on the phone or during
digital transactions, stopping fraud in its tracks.
The company estimates that in the last year, it helped organizations—
including industry-leading fi nance, telecommunications, and insurance
companies—save more than $2 billion in fraud costs globally.
Nuance’s technology is not only capable of identifying who is engag-
ing with it, but also what the user is likely looking for, enabling personal-
ized interactions from the moments they begin. This frictionless experi-
ence can be a competitive advantage—driving loyalty and improving
customer satisfaction.
Biometrics, which can be used to boost organizational productivity
and performance, is also being leveraged by public and private insti-
tutions, including government agencies, to cut costs and streamline
back-end operations. Government and law enforcement have been early
adopters, using the technology at border control sites and for voter regis-
tration and identifi cation, while police and other agencies are increasingly
using facial recognition technology to assist in investigating crimes.
Since biometric identifi cation only requires presentation of a person’s
physical traits, methods of authentication are easily accessible to large
populations, says Mohammed Murad, vice president of Global Sales,
Marketing, at Iris ID. The company’s suite of biometric solutions includes
both hardware and software to securely identify users based on scans
of their irises as well as their faces. An individual’s iris is his or her most
unique identifi er, providing the most accurate and frictionless biometric
access, according to Murad. Facial recognition then comes in second
Biometric technolgies provide ID-
secure, person-centric, aff ordable
solutions. They easily integrate
into current solutions that people
already feel comfortable opting in
to and using.”
[billion [
The spread of connected
devices—more than
in all—is accelerating
the movement toward
Vice President, Global
Sales, Marketing, Iris ID