End of study Project: Translation | By
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Jeremy yep
in our investigation we focused on self-serving deception these are lies that advantage
the liar at the expense of a target when people are telling self-serving lies they're often
engaging in this calculus between what are the costs and benefits for themselves? But also
what are the costs and benefits for others? what we find is that anger influences these
calculations when angry people are become more focused on themselves or the benefits
to themselves and they discount the harm that they may cause others and that leads them
to engage in deception so our key findings are that when you feel angry even when it's
triggered by an unrelated situation you're more likely to lie we also find as Maurice
mentioned that angry people are less empathetic and that dis inhibits them to engage in
self-interested behavior such as line and then we also found that the influence of anger on
deception is unique to anger and not just any negative emotion so we contrasted the
influence of anger with the influence of sadness on deception and we actually found that
only angry predicted deceptive behavior
Steve sheretta
it's interesting because when I think of deception, maybe this is just my impression it's it
seems more like a little devious it's like something you pre calculate and you know have
thought about as opposed... like an immediate reaction but anger is this emotion that I
could see would make someone just act more quickly without thinking and so this was like
a little disconnect there for me. How does that work how did that come out in your
research? Because I know, you did four or studies actually to come up with your
Maurice Schweitzer
Well right yeah that's right. so we did a series of studies and in all these sides we find the
same pattern, this anger is triggered by an unrelated event, you get very negative feedback
or you watch something that's very disturbing across several different inductions we find
that this anger that's triggered that immediately then does bleed into this somewhat more
strategic behavior that is it changes our calculus and the key ideas Jamie was explaining
we just become less empathetic we care less about others and we're more focused on our
self-interest and that narrowed focus is what guides us to exhibit the self-interested