Translation PFE - Academic year 2016/2017

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End of study Project: Translation | By
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workplace we often feel angry when we're in a conflict with somebody else and our work

is the first to demonstrate that when we feel an anger it could actually lead us to engage

in underhanded and more self-interested behavior in ways that we might not normally

condone and certainly as an organization we should be highly aware of

 Steve sheretta

 so I can suggest that conflict resolution interventions and courses are would benefit an

organization in a couple ways not just the Job less conflict and maybe more cooperation

but also you could curtail some of the deception that might come out of the conflict.

 Maurice Schweitzer

 Yeah.

 Steve sheretta

 At the behaviour.

 Maurice Schweitzer

 Right absolutely so that is there's we should recognize the feelings that we have the feelings

that others have are going to guide their behaviour in predictable ways and we should be

sensitive to that. Jerry mention recognizing emotions might help diminish their effects but

we should also be sort of broadly aware of how we're feeling is likely to influence how we

think and behave and in some cases it we might be able to curtail unethical behavior by

muting that...that anger.

 Steve sheretta

 so before I ask you what you'll be looking at next if you're going to look if you're going

to pursue this further let me just ask is there anything I haven't asked that would be of

major importance in this study that we haven't covered that you can think of? or did we

do such a great job..that?

 Jeremy yep

 Well that's a great question ... we actually think about...

 I think one of the questions that you asked was really important that is it's not that when

we're feeling angry we want to retaliate against other people or that we want to pay it

forward that somebody was angry.. You know... angry at me or somebody blocked my
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