Translation PFE - Academic year 2016/2017

(paffblack) #1

End of study Project: Translation | By
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 1-Abstract

The purpose of this paper is about submitting and presenting my end of study

project, for my graduation from the university. It composed by several tasks and statements

deal with the topic of translation. It aims to introduce my work that I have done, and to

figure out what are the steps that I followed, the techniques and the stages that I started and

ended with. Moreover, the difficulties and challenges I encountered. Also, the means and

the elements, which I used. The content of this research paper is works translated in Arabic,

for instance the video translated and subtitled in Arabic, and the GSL. In addition, other

tasks like the phonetic transcription of the video, a review of an article deal with translation,

the overview of the two documents about languages in the United European, and the

dialogue of the video written in Arabic and English.
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