End of study Project: Translation | By
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9-The general service list translated in Arabic
The General Service List (GSL) is a list of roughly 2000 words published by Michael
West in 1953. The words were selected to represent the most frequent words of English.
The GSL that published by Michael West consists only with headwords. However, if we
also counted the word’s related families, then the list of words will contains more than
5000 words. This list is very important, especially for those who want to learn and mastered
English language. The person who knows the words both the Headwords and its related
families would understand approximately 90–95 percent of colloquial speech and 80–85
percent of common written texts.
This list with headwords and its related families words is translated into Arabic and putted
in a long list consisted by 5660 word. I burnet it on a CD.