Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 101
Aigerim Aibassova | 23 | they/them | nationality:Kazakh
Early morning sunlight coming through the windowsat my childhood
Also tulips that would come from near my hometownduring early
In general I'd say I have positive (and almost warm)emotional
responses to the word.
Also the way "yellow" is used racially here is maybea bit different
compared to the rest of the world. My mother (lovingly)calls my cousin
"yellow girl" which basically means that she has avery fair and pale
skin colour. People with blonde-ish hair also getcalled yellow here
(and it's used in a neutral or slightly positive toneI'd say).
I'd probably say a fair-ish definition would be theway society perceives
you, because only in that case you get all the benefitsand "burdens" of
being Asian. So it's more like a constructivist definition.And in that
case "being Asian" would be less of a category ortype but more of a
lived experience.
But to be honest, I'm also inclined to include peoplewho just
self-identify as such but with at least some justificationbehind that be
it cultural or genetic (so that people can't justgo around calling
themselves Asian without any relevant experiences).
But I also think "Asian experience" is obviously extremely
non-homogenous and I have a feeling that it's mostlyconstructed
around (North) East Asian individuals.
Nomadic, freedom loving, authentic, and open to others.
And just as a clarification, I think this is mostlybased on the glorified
historical version of Kazakh culture. I don't knowhow to describe my
ethnicity in its current stage. The country in general(including all other
ethnicities within) seems so apathetic which obviouslyhas to do with
the regime.
I think it's mostly based on history as taught atschool which
emphasized liberation movements during the tsaristRussian empire
rule and later USSR. I think years predating thoseperiods (i.e. the
nomadic period) were pretty much glorified out ofproportion but I
can't get those associations even if I know they areprobably not that
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
I guess if we're talking about the most popular stereotype(e.g. being
disciplined or polite to authorities), I think I wildlydiffer from that in
both positive and negative ways. I definitely lackdiscipline which is

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