Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 103
Manon (Gui Qiao) Chauveau | 18 | she/her | nationality:French (adoptee) | ethnicity: Chinese
Well it actually depends on who says it. For a lotof people, "yellow"
can be the word they use to talk about Asians. I'venow come to laugh
about it and even be proud of it but when I firstmet those people, I
used to say things like : "No, my skin is not yellow,that's just the light"
Now if we're talking about the color itself, I thinkit's actually quite
bright and I like it. That's a color I usually associatewith light or the
But yeah, when you say "yellow", mainly based on myexperience, I
think about "Asians". What's more, there's a widerange of yellow.
(* which is just like for people. A diversity of nationalitiesfor a diversity
of tones).
For me, being Asian is a subjective concept. I thinkeveryone who feels
somewhat close to Asia - be it the way they were educated,their
family, or just the fact that they're from Asia -should be allowed to
express it.
Now it's true that there may be differences betweensomeone who is
born and lives in Asia and someone who has spent halfof their life in
Europe for instance. However, if you want to reconnectto your roots,
your culture, your history, then I think you shouldbe able to do it and
"feel" like you're a part of the Asian community.
Being Asian cannot be defined by your country noryour upbringing. It's
about what you do to explore your identity as an Asianand about being
proud of it.
I want to say rice and traditions bring us togetherhaha.
The first words coming to my mind are : huge, traditions,family, history.
I'm Chinese and although I live in France, I've neverreally forgotten all
about China. I've not been raised like I would havebeen if I was still
there but I know it's where I have my roots. For along time I used to
face small acts of racism so I would just pretendlike I didn't care about
that and act like I wasn't Asian. But now that I'vegrown up I feel proud
of being Asian and I wish everyone would feel thesame about their
ethnicity. I want to share with others the small thingswe have that
make us unique.
I think part of me is naturally inclined to thinkof my ethnicity in a
good way. I mean it's what makes me who I am so there'sno reason for
me to think otherwise. However, there's no denyingthat my perception
has been and will be influenced by my surroundingsand how people
react. So yes, I think my thoughts about that aresomewhat related to

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