Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 107
Anonymous | nationality: Chinese/American | ethnicity:Chinese
It's the color that everyone always attributes toEast Asians and makes
'jokes' about it.
Hmmm, I think the technical "qualifications" for beingasian is your
birth. It doesn't matter if youre full asian, half,or even 1/8th. I'll get
more into half asians in a bit, but I think that tocall yourself asian, you
have to be genetically asian. It's mainly geneticsbut also culture. Are
you connected with your culture, do you have asiancustoms, etc. And
then in regards to people who are, for example, only1/4 or 1/8 asian, i
think it's necessary to celebrate asian culture insome way or stay in
touch with your asian identity to be considered asian.And i dont want
to seem like I'm the one defining who can and can'tbe Asian because
it's not my place, but i think that to be asian, youhave to have some
Asian genetics in you and also be immersed in theculture and be
proud of it.
Asian; community; nostalgia; family.
I think that my perception of my ethnicity is mainlyrooted within
myself and my experiences. I've always grown up ina Chinese
household and through my life, I've formed a perceptionof my
ethnicity. I do think it has been influenced by myoutside forces too.
Since my nuclear family and I live in America whilethe rest of my
relatives live in China, it has, and still is, kindaof hard to get a strong
connection to my own culture. That's where socialmedia and media
comes in. I've learned and have been influenced bywhat I've learned
online regarding my ethnicity. Id say I was more influencedin the
cultural and social aspects. It wasn't until a fewyears ago that I've
really taken ownership of my identity and have recognizedand
advocated against issues that plague my community(ex. lack of asian
representation in media, microagresions at school,etc). And regarding
the last question, im not quite sure how to answerthat, but I think that
my feelings toward my ethnicity have strengthenedas a response to
racism and even more specifically, as a responseto racism because of
Covid19. I've definitely felt a stronger connectionto my ethnicity
because I've been so vocal about racism against asiansand etc.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
I think I fit a lot of Asian stereotypes but I'm moresocial than some
stereotypes say. I think most Asian stereotypes areharmful and
categorize us in negative boxes. I've been told thatI fit a lot of Asian
stereotypes and I don't really know how to respondwith that-
sometimes people attribute my intelligence to beingAsian and I'll

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